Right after graduating from high school, literally the day after, the first and most important thing I had to do was order a new laptop for college. Since I already had an iPhone and iPod, I loved Apple products and knew I wanted a Mac. The best part was that Apple provided educational pricing and special offers, helping to make my purchasing decision even easier. I can’t even explain how excited I was to see the UPS man pull up to my house with my very own, brand new Macbook!
While the Apple education pricing and special offers vary from year to year, this year the Apple back to school deal is pretty awesome if you ask me. As always, you can purchase Macs at a discount in the educational store, but new this year, you can purchase iPads and iPhones at a discount in the educational store as well. With such great prices, it will be hard to not add all three items to your cart!
Since Apple is so awesome, they want to give their customers something extra with purchases. For the past two years Apple gave customers gift cards for the iTunes store/App store/iBookstore. Yeah, that’s an awesome perk, but Apple made the offer even better this year – hard to believe right? Along with the purchase of any Mac, customers will receive a $100 Apple store gift card and with any purchase of an iPhone or iPad, customers will receive a $50 Apple store gift card. So, now the gift cards have access to all the other amazing products in the Apple store, not just the App store! Who wouldn’t want an extra $50-$100 to spend in the Apple store?
Along with other amazing Apple products, like Apple TV, in the Apple store, make sure you check out all the other great products they sell including, Bose, Logitech and FitBit. If you were hoping to get a new pair of Beats by Dr. Dre to use while you study with your new Mac/iPad/iPhone, don’t forget that the Apple store now sells them. There’s so many great things, you might have a hard time choosing how to spend your gift card!
So if you’re a headed to back to school this fall, make sure you go equipped with your favorite Apple products, you won’t regret your purchase – trust me!