Comcast Launches Creative Way to Market to College Students with New Technology

Two female Gen Z Comcast customers smiling because the company's creative way to market to college students included Amazon Music and HBO, too.
Gen Z is a highly coveted audience, and smart brands are doing everything they can to capture their attention. Comcast developed a creative way to market to college students that leverages the best of what they, and other media companies, have to offer. This new approach maintains Comcast's profit margins and it’s working like gangbusters. ...
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Spotify’s New Project with the Obamas Creates Product Differentiation

Young woman with pink hair streams her music with Spotify's gated, exclusive offer for students.
Spotify is the trendsetter of personalized, exclusive content, and its user-first approach creates successful product differentiation. As a result, Spotify reported 100M Premium subscribers and more than 217M monthly active users this year. What's more, the company’s new deal with the Obamas demonstrates a continued commitment to subscribers. Cornering Exclusive Content The recent exclusive contract ...
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Pandora Targets Streaming Media’s Next Hot Segment: The Military

A smiling soldier listens to Pandora. The streaming media company is acquiring loyal subscribers by marketing to the military with exclusive discounts on their premium plan.
Streaming media companies understand the power of marketing to students. Leading brands like Tidal, YouTube, SoundCloud, and now Pandora are using student discounts to attract younger customers and motivate freemium users to convert to paid subscribers. But students aren’t the only coveted demographic in the subscription economy. Marketing to the military also has great potential. ...
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SoundCloud Launches Student Offer to Drive Conversions

An woman appearing in ad for SoundCloud's gated student offer, a new customer acquisition strategy the company is using to gain loyal subscribers.
Student offers are fast becoming the norm in the subscription economy, and for good reason. College students are a perfect customer group for streaming media companies to target, but their disposable income is usually limited. Price can make or break their decision to sign up. That’s the feedback SoundCloud heard in its community forum: for ...
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