78% Of Frontline Healthcare Workers Are Neutral to Optimistic About Biden Administration Handling of Coronavirus

February 25, 2021

Survey reveals how health workers feel about coronavirus response and how they want to be supported by brands

Portland, OR—Feb. 25, 2021—SheerID, the identity marketing platform used by hundreds of leading brands around the world, released the Caring for the Caregivers Report today that included survey results from frontline healthcare workers in the U.S. The survey asked healthcare workers to describe their feelings working on the front lines as well as how they would like brands to communicate with them and offer support during these challenging times.

Majority of Frontline Healthcare Workers Rate The Handling of Coronavirus As Improving
When asked to rate the handling of the coronavirus by the former and current presidential administrations, 40% of respondents were ‘neutral’ when rating the Biden administration, perhaps waiting to see how things go. While 38% of respondents rated the current handling as ‘adequate’ or ‘excellent’. Survey results found that 51% of frontline healthcare workers rated the handling of the coronavirus by the former Trump administration as ‘poor’ or ‘inadequate.’ Results showed 7% of Healthcare workers rated the current Biden administration handling of the coronavirus as ‘poor’ and 14% felt it was ‘inadequate’

How would you rate the handling of the coronavirus?
Response Trump Administration Biden Administration
Excellent 13% 11%
Adequate 21% 27%
Neutral 14% 40%
Inadequate 18% 14%
Poor 33% 7%
Note: Results are from 575 frontline healthcare workers in the U.S. surveyed in January 2021
Source: SheerID

‘Valued’ Is How Majority Of Frontline Healthcare Workers Would Feel Upon Receiving A Personalized Brand Offer Based On Their Occupation
In the U.S., two-thirds, 66%, of frontline healthcare workers responded they would feel ‘valued’ by a brand when asked to describe their feelings if they were offered a discount or special perk because of their healthcare employment status. Healthcare workers also stated the feeling of being ‘recognized’, 59%, as a top choice among respondents, and ‘thanked’ by 57% of healthcare workers. There are many healthcare marketing offers currently available from SheerID partners like Rothy’s, LL Bean, Deezer, and many more.  

“Healthcare workers’ tireless efforts on the frontlines have simply been amazing during the pandemic. Brands now have an opportunity to create more meaningful connections through invited personalized marketing rather than offers based on what they may like or click,” said Jake Weatherly, SheerID CEO. “With authentic, personalized offers, brands can help hardworking healthcare workers feel appreciated while inviting new, loyal customers to engage.”

After a year of living and working on the frontline of the Coronavirus pandemic, healthcare workers responded that they felt ‘tired’, 66%, when asked to state what emotions best described how they felt, followed by ‘frustrated’, 44%, ‘overwhelmed’, 41%, and just over a third of respondents stated they felt ‘hopeful’, 37%.

35% Felt Life Will ‘Return to Normal’ In One to Two Years
When asked when they believed life would “return to normal,” 35% of healthcare workers said between 1-2 years while 29% said between 6-12 months. The next highest response saw the effects of the pandemic dragging on further as 19% said it would be more than two years. Additionally, 68% of frontline healthcare workers stated they would ‘very or somewhat likely’ wear a mask when sick once the pandemic has ended. 

Streaming Media and Online Banking Are Post-Pandemic Behaviors To Stay
The survey results also provided great insights into the behaviors of which online activities are ‘very likely’ and ‘somewhat likely’ to be a part of their everyday lives. There were two clear standouts, as 74% said they would continue to watch streaming media or listen to streaming music once the pandemic ends, an increase of 12 percentage points over the start of the pandemic.

Online banking and online financial transactions were the next highest post-pandemic activity at 73%, an increase of 29 percentage points than at the start. Participation in self-care activities online, such as fitness, yoga, meditation, etc., had the third-highest increase of 13 points when comparing the start of the pandemic versus post-pandemic sentiment. Purchasing clothing online saw the biggest decrease, by 11 points, among activities listed. This could be a case of people wanting to shop more in stores than online once they feel comfortable doing so.

Read more survey results on the SheerID blog and download the US report and UK report.

Survey Methodology
SheerID conducted an online survey of 575 healthcare workers in the U.S. and 400 in the UK. The survey took place in January 2021.

About SheerID
SheerID is the leader in identity marketing. With SheerID, brands identify and acquire consumer communities — such as the military, students, teachers, and more — with personalized offers, gated by instant verification from the largest set of authoritative data worldwide. SheerID verifies over 2.5 billion people via 9,000 authoritative data sources; provides global insights from over 200 of the world’s leading brands, and never shares or sells customer data. As a result, the world’s biggest brands — including Amazon, Lowe’s, Spotify, and T-Mobile — rely on SheerID as their identity marketing partner. Founded in 2011, SheerID is backed by Arnold Venture Group, Centana Growth Partners, CVC Growth Partners, and Voyager Capital.

Matt Tatham
[email protected]